We have prepared several AWS AMIs for anyone who is interested in replication of these tests. These AMIs contain some tuned OS parameters, for example, the maximum amount of threads per process and open file descriptors:
ThingsBoard AMI (username ubuntu)
Following ports must be accessible for the cluster nodes: 8080, 1883
Cassandra AMI (username ubuntu)
Following ports must be accessible for the cluster nodes: 7000 - 7001, 9160, 9042
Test Client AMI (username ubuntu)
If you would like to verify performance for all components hosted on a single server instance, simply run ThingsBoard AMI instance. By default this instance will be using Cassandra that runs locally.
If you would like to verify performance for standalone ThingsBoard server that uses external Cassandra Cluster, please init Cassandra cluster using provided Cassandra AMI first. For example, let’s do the configuration for three Cassandra instances. Once you have launched 3 AWS instances using Cassandra AMI please update cassandra.yml file to make them run in a cluster. In our case we have 3 instances with the following IP addresses:
Login into every cluster instance, clean up cassandra data directories and modify cassandra configuration:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches/*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/*
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/data/*
sudo nano /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Find in the file next lines and update them accordingly.
For instance A:
seeds: ",,"
listen_address: ""
rpc_address: ""
For instance B:
seeds: ",,"
listen_address: ""
rpc_address: ""
For instance C:
seeds: ",,"
listen_address: ""
rpc_address: ""
On every instance restart cassandra:
sudo service cassandra stop
sudo service cassandra start
And verify that Cassandra cluster setup was successful:
nodetool status
In the output should be something similar:
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 192.99 KiB 256 30.9% a323e6fb-2e8c-4bb4-82d0-4e621cb7cba8 rack1
UN 132.23 KiB 256 33.9% 6da17a19-2a4b-4f99-9ac7-e38f05ebf7a9 rack1
UN 289.4 KiB 256 35.2% 87f1ab4d-16d4-4969-aea8-b858e62d1d73 rack1
Once the cluster is ready we need to create schema, system and demo data. At any of the Cassandra cluster node (here we use instance A) execute following commands:
cqlsh -f /usr/share/thingsboard/data/schema.cql
cqlsh -f /usr/share/thingsboard/data/system-data.cql
cqlsh -f /usr/share/thingsboard/data/demo-data.cql
Once Cassandra cluster setup is done please run ThingsBoard AMI instance. You need to update thingsbaord.yml config to use Cassandra cluster instead of a local instance:
sudo nano /etc/thingsboard/conf/thingsboard.yml
And update the cassandra url from localhost to IPs of cassandra ring:
url: "${CASSANDRA_URL:,,}"
After configuration update, restart ThingsBoard service:
sudo service thingsboard stop
sudo service thingsboard start
Once you will setup your cluster configuration using ThingsBoard and Cassandra AMIs you can execute tests from “client” machines (ThingsBoard Performance Test AMIs) using following commands:
cd projects/performance-tests
Update mqttUrls and restUrl and set private IPs of AWS instance where ThingsBoard service is deployed in test.properties file:
nano src/main/resources/test.properties
Re-install project so Gatling can pick up latest config files and start test:
mvn clean install gatling:execute