
SODAQ Universal Tracker telemetry upload

ThingsBoard PE Feature

Only ThingsBoard Professional Edition supports Platform Integrations feature.

See ThingsBoard PE Installation Options to install ThingsBoard PE.

This guide contains step-by-step instruction how to to connect your SODAQ NB-IoT boards to ThingsBoard Professional Edition (PE) through the T-Mobile NB IoT network. We will use free ThingsBoard PE demo server in this guide. This guide will be useful for anyone who wants to connect their SODAQ NB-IoT boards or other hardware to T-Mobile NB IoT network.


We assume you have at least one of SODAQ NB-IoT Trackers in your lab that is already connected to your T-Mobile IoT network. We also assume you already have a ThingsBoard PE server or free demo account. Otherwise you can register for a 30-days free demo account here:

We expect you to have a very basic knowledge about ThingsBoard, so we do recommend to complete the Getting Started guide.

Integration overview

ThingsBoard Platform Integrations feature allows to push data from various platforms and connectivity solutions to ThingsBoard. We will use “T-Mobile IoT CDP” platform integration to consume data from T-Mobile NB IoT Network and automatically register devices in ThingsBoard. Besides configuring the integration, we will also setup ThingsBoard to decode incoming data, store it in the database, visualize on the dashboard and generate alarms based on configurable thresholds.

Step 1. Data Converter configuration

In order to create an Integration, we should create the Uplink Data Converter first. The converter will decode incoming telemetry payload data from T-Mobile NB IoT that contains in encoded hex string to human readable, simplified ThingsBoard data format.

    "reports": [{
        "serialNumber": "IMEI:0123456789",
        "timestamp": 1547035621977,
        "subscriptionId": "43524b52-b924-40f0-91f0-e7fa71dca87b",
        "resourcePath": "uplinkMsg/0/data",
        "value": "010145292a2bfbfc0000000000000000e6e3355c751a879de31e6535d10306005600d00402"
    "deviceName": "0123456789",
    "deviceType": "tracker",
    "telemetry": [{
        "ts": 1547035622000,
        "values": {
            "batteryVoltage": 4.17,
            "temperature": 26,
            "latitude": 51.8233479,
            "longitude": 6.4042341,
            "altitude": 6,
            "speed": 86,
            "satellitesObserved": 208,
            "timetToFirstFix": 4

Few things to notice:

FieldFirst ByteByte length
ts 16 4
batteryVoltage 20 1
temperature 21 1
latitude 22 4
longitude 26 4
altitude 30 2
speed 32 2
satellitesObserved 35 1
timetToFirstFix 36 1

Step 2. Integration configuration

FieldInput Data
Name SODAQ Integration
Type T-Mobile – IoT CDP
Debug mode True
Uplink data converter SODAQ Uplink data converter
Downlink data converter (empty)
HTTP endpoint URL https://THINGSBOARD_URL/api/v1/integrations/tmobile_iot_cdp/$ROUTING_KEY

Step 3: Post telemetry and verify the Integration configuration

Before we rush to T-Mobile IoT platform configuration, let’s make sure ThingsBoard is properly configured using simple cURL command. We will be simulating message from the T-Mobile IoT platform using command below. Please note that we will use the HTTP Endpoint URL from a Step 2.

For this we will need to copy HTTP endpoint URL from the SODAQ Integration.


Download the attached json file with telemetry data and execute the following command:

curl -v -X POST -d @telemetry-data.json $HTTP_ENDPOINT_URL --header "Content-Type:application/json"

**you need to replace $HTTP_ENDPOINT_URL with actual HTTP endpoint URL**

Device should be created:

Now you can delete this dummy device if needed.

Step 4: T-Mobile NB-IoT Platform Callback configuration

Use HTTP endpoint URL from Step 2 to configure T-Mobile Platform to push data to this URL. See image below for reference.


Step 5: Check Integration Debug Events

Navigate to Integration Debug Events, similar to Step 3 and double check that data from real devices arrives and is processed successfully. Please note that it may take some time (up to 30 minutes based on our experience) for new message to start arriving.

Step 6: Rule chain import

In this tutorial, we modified our Root Rule Chain and also created Rule Chain Tracker Alarms. The idea is to forward all incoming telemetry, once it is saved to the database, to Tracker Alarms rule chain. This rule chain lookup individual alarm threshold parameters for each tracker. User is able to configure those parameters in the dashboard.

Download the attached json file for the Tracker Alarms chain.

The following screencast will show how to import and configure rule chains:

Step 7: Demo dashboard import

Download and import attached json file with a dashboard from this tutorial.

The following screencast will show how to import the dashboard:

After Dashboard creation navigate to Tracker details state to sets the limit values, namely:

Once Rule chains and Dashboard set up you can trigger device to post the real data and verify that Integration and Rule chains work as expected. Advanced configuration guide below demonstrates step-by-step instruction how to configure the rule chains and how they actually work. This steps are optional and we recommend to navigate to Next Steps for beginners.

Advanced Configuration (Optional)


Note that you can add additional HTTP headers with some unique parameters for security. For example, you can add “MY-INTEGRATION-AUTH-HEADER” with some random string value to both Integration configuration (Step 2) and T-Mobile configuration (Step 4). Obviously, those headers should match for data flow to work properly.

Message flow

In this section, we explain the purpose of each node in this tutorial:

Configuring the Rule Chain

In this tutorial, we modified our Root Rule Chain and also created Rule Chain Tracker Alarms

The following screenshots show how the above Rule Chains should look like:



Download the attached json file for the Tracker Alarms chain.

The following sections shows you how to create Tracker Alarms chain from scratch and modify Root Rule Chain.

Create new Tracker Alarms Rule Chain

Go to Rule Chains -> Add new Rule Chain



New Rule Chain is created. Press Edit button and to configure it.

Adding the required nodes

In this rule chain, you will create 13 nodes as it will be explained in the following sections:

Node A: Originator attributes
Field Input Data
Name Fetch Limit telemetry
Shared attributes maxTemperature
Shared attributes minTemperature
Shared attributes maxSpeed
Shared attributes minVoltage
Node B: Filter Script
return msg.temperature > metadata.shared_maxTemperature

If the temperature more than max value the script will return true, otherwise false will be returned.


Rule Nodes C, D, and E have the same configuration that has the above-mentioned rule node.
Paste the JS script code shown in the following table to the corresponding Rule Nodes:

Rule Node Script Code
C: Validate Min temperature return msg.temperature < metadata.shared_minTemperature;
D: Validate Max speed return msg.speed > metadata.shared_maxSpeed;
E: Validate Min voltage return msg.batteryVoltage < metadata.shared_minVoltage;
Node F: Create alarm
var details = {};
details.value = msg.temperature;
if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) {
    details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails);
return details;


Rule Nodes H, J, and L have the same configuration that has the above-mentioned rule node.
Paste the Alarm Type shown in the following table to the corresponding Rule Nodes:

Rule Node Alarm Type Script Code
H: Min temperature Min temperature var details = {}; details.value = msg.temperature; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } return details;
J: Max Speed Max Speed var details = {}; details.value = msg.speed; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } return details;
L: Min Voltage Min Voltage var details = {}; details.value = msg.batteryVoltage; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } return details;
Node H: Clear Alarm
var details = {};
if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) {
    details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails);
details.clearedValue = msg.temperature;
return details;


Rule Nodes I, K and M have the same configuration that has the above-mentioned rule node.
Paste the Alarm Type shown in the following table to the corresponding Rule Nodes:

Rule Node Alarm Type Script Code
G: Min temperature Min temperature var details = {}; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } details.clearedValue = msg.temperature; return details;
I: Max Speed Max Speed var details = {}; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } details.clearedValue = msg.speed; return details;
K: Min Voltage Min Voltage var details = {}; if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) { details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails); } details.clearedValue = msg.batteryVoltage; return details;

Modify Root Rule Chain

The initial Root Rule Chain has been modified by adding the following node:

Node A: Filter Script
return metadata.deviceType === 'tracker';


Node O: Rule Chain


Next steps