ThingsBoard PE Feature Only ThingsBoard Professional Edition supports Platform Integrations feature. See ThingsBoard PE Installation Options to install ThingsBoard PE. |
This guide contains step-by-step instruction how to to connect your SODAQ NB-IoT boards to ThingsBoard Professional Edition (PE) through the T-Mobile NB IoT network. We will use free ThingsBoard PE demo server cloud.thingsboard.io in this guide. This guide will be useful for anyone who wants to connect their SODAQ NB-IoT boards or other hardware to T-Mobile NB IoT network.
We assume you have at least one of SODAQ NB-IoT Trackers in your lab that is already connected to your T-Mobile IoT network. We also assume you already have a ThingsBoard PE server or free demo account. Otherwise you can register for a 30-days free demo account here: cloud.thingsboard.io.
We expect you have a very basic knowledge about ThingsBoard. Otherwise we do recommend to complete the following guides:
ThingsBoard Platform Integrations feature allows to push data from various platforms and connectivity solutions to ThingsBoard. We will use “UDP” platform integration to consume data from T-Mobile NB IoT Network and automatically register devices in ThingsBoard. Besides configuring the integration, we will also setup ThingsBoard to decode incoming data, store it in the database, visualize on the dashboard and generate alarms based on configurable thresholds.
In order to create an Integration, we should create the Uplink Data Converter first. The converter will decode incoming telemetry payload data from T-Mobile NB IoT that contains in encoded hex string to human readable, simplified ThingsBoard data format.
"reports": [{
"value": "010145292a2bfbfc0000000000000000e6e3355c751a879de31e6535d10306005600d00402"
/** Decoder **/
// The field of input json
var reports = decodeToJson(payload).reports;
// Result object with device attributes/telemetry data
var result = {
deviceName: {},
deviceType: "tracker",
telemetry: []
for (var i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) {
result.deviceName = parseInt(reports[i].value.substring(2, 16), 16);
var telemetryObj = {
ts: {},
values: {}
timestamp = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(32,40))*1000;
v = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(40,42))/100 + 3;
t = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(42,44));
lat = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(44,52))/10000000;
lon = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(52,60))/10000000;
alt = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(60, 64));
speed = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(64, 68));
sat = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(68, 70));
ttf = stringToInt(reports[i].value.substring(70, 72));
telemetryObj.ts = timestamp;
telemetryObj.values.batteryVoltage = v;
telemetryObj.values.temperature = t;
if(lat !== 0) {
telemetryObj.values.latitude = lat;
if(lon !== 0) {
telemetryObj.values.longitude = lon;
if(alt !== 0) {
telemetryObj.values.altitude = alt;
telemetryObj.values.speed = speed;
telemetryObj.values.satellitesObserved = sat;
telemetryObj.values.timetToFirstFix = ttf;
/** Helper functions **/
function stringToInt(hex) {
return parseInt('0x' + hex.match(/../g).reverse().join(''));
function decodeToString(payload) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, payload);
function decodeToJson(payload) {
// convert payload to string.
var str = decodeToString(payload);
// parse string to JSON
var data = JSON.parse(str);
return data;
return result;
"deviceName": 357518080211964,
"deviceType": "tracker",
"telemetry": [{
"ts": 1547035622000,
"values": {
"batteryVoltage": 4.17,
"temperature": 26,
"latitude": 51.8233479,
"longitude": 6.4042341,
"altitude": 6,
"speed": 86,
"satellitesObserved": 208,
"timetToFirstFix": 4
Few things to notice:
Field | First Byte | Byte length |
deviceName | 2 | 7 |
ts | 16 | 4 |
batteryVoltage | 20 | 1 |
temperature | 21 | 1 |
latitude | 22 | 4 |
longitude | 26 | 4 |
altitude | 30 | 2 |
speed | 32 | 2 |
satellitesObserved | 35 | 1 |
timetToFirstFix | 36 | 1 |
Go to Data Converters -> Add new Data Converter -> Import Converter
Import following json file: SODAQ UDP Uplink Data Converter (left click on the link and then ‘Ctrl+S’ to download) as described on the following screencast:
Create new integration based on the screencast below.
Please, note that you should copy Integration key and Integration secret as described in the UDP Integration Setup guide.
Field | Input Data |
Name | SODAQ UDP Integration |
Type | UDP |
Debug mode | True |
Uplink data converter | SODAQ UDP Data Uplink Converter |
Downlink data converter | (empty) |
Port | 11560 |
So Broadcast option | 64 |
Handler Configuration | Handler Type | HEX |
Before we rush to T-Mobile IoT platform configuration, make sure that you complete the Remote integration installation steps.
Also, let’s make sure ThingsBoard is properly configured using simple echo command and netcat utility. We will simulate messages from the T-Mobile IoT platform using the command below. Let’s execute the following command:
echo -e -n '$PAYLOAD' | xxd -r -p | nc -q1 -w1 -u $URL_THINGSBOARD_CLOUD_HOST $PORT
You need to replace $PAYLOAD, $URL_THINGSBOARD_CLOUD_HOST and $PORT respectively with the actual payload, cloud host URL and port.
echo -e -n '010145292a2bfbfc0000000000000000e6e3355c751a879de31e6535d10306005600d00402' | xxd -r -p | nc -q1 -w1 -u 11560
Navigate to Integration Debug Events and check that data real arrives and is processed successfully.
Device with name 357518080211964 should be created.
Getting started guides - These guides provide quick overview of main ThingsBoard features. Designed to be completed in 15-30 minutes.
Installation guides - Learn how to setup ThingsBoard on various available operating systems.
Connect your device - Learn how to connect devices based on your connectivity technology or solution.
Data visualization - These guides contain instructions how to configure complex ThingsBoard dashboards.
Data processing & actions - Learn how to use ThingsBoard Rule Engine.
IoT Data analytics - Learn how to use rule engine to perform basic analytics tasks.
Advanced features - Learn about advanced ThingsBoard features.
Contribution and Development - Learn about contribution and development in ThingsBoard.