
ThingsBoard Documentation

Documentation for using ThingsBoard IoT Platform.

Action Nodes

ThingsBoard PE Feature

Only ThingsBoard Professional Edition supports PE Action Nodes feature.

See ThingsBoard PE Installation Options to install ThingsBoard PE.

Action Nodes that are specific to ThingsBoard PE. Execute various actions based on incoming Message.

Add To Group Node

Since TB Version 2.0.2


Adds Message Originator Entity to Entity Group.

Following Message Originator types are allowed: Customer, Asset, Device.

Finds target Entity Group by group name pattern and then adds Originator Entity to this group. Will create new Entity Group if it doesn’t exist and Create new group if not exists is set to true.



Message will be routed via Failure chain in the following cases:

In other cases Message will be routed via Success chain.

Remove From Group Node

Since TB Version 2.0.2


Removes Message Originator Entity from Entity Group.

Following Message Originator types are allowed: Customer, Asset, Device.

Finds target Entity Group by group name pattern and then removes Originator Entity from this group.



Message will be routed via Failure chain in the following cases:

In other cases Message will be routed via Success chain.

Generate Report Node

Since TB Version 2.1


Generates report files by capturing target dashboard with specific configuration.

This node can be configured to use specific report configuration or take it from incoming message body.

Mode when report configuration is taken from message body usually is used when message is generated by Generate Report Scheduler Event.

Generate Report node invokes Reports Server to generate report file using specified dashboard.

Resulting report file is stored in DataBase using File Storage feature and reference to this file is stored in attachments field of output message metadata.

attachments metadata field can be used by other Rule Nodes to get actual file from DataBase. For instance To Email Node detects presence of this field and prepares email attachments used by Send Email Node to send email with attachments.



Generate Test Report button is used for testing purposes. It invokes report generation process with provided configuration. Resulting report file will be automatically downloaded if the report generation will be successful.

Message will be routed via Failure chain in the following cases:

In other cases Message will be routed via Success chain.

Integration Downlink Node

Since TB Version 2.0.2


Forwards Message to selected Integration as downlink message.

Message will be pushed to the selected integration downlink queue.



Failure chain is used if Message push to Integration will fail, otherwise Success chain.

REST Call Reply Node

Since TB Version 2.1


Sends reply to REST API call that was originally sent to rule engine.

Expects messages with any message type. Forwards incoming message as a reply to REST API call sent to rule engine.



Change Owner Node

Since TB Version 2.3.1


Changes Owner of the Originator entity to the selected Owner by type:



Rule node finds target Owner by owner name pattern and then change the owner of the originator entity.

If an entity already belongs to this owner or entity owner is successfully changed - Message sent via Success chain, otherwise, Failure chain will be used.