
Working with Alarm details

Use case

This tutorial is based on the create & clear alarms tutorial and it’s use case. We will reuse the rule chains from the above-mentioned tutorial and will configure the Alarm Details function in the Create and Clear Alarm nodes. Let’s assume your device is using DHT22 sensor to collect and push temperature readings to ThingsBoard. DHT22 sensor is good for -40 to 80°C temperature readings. We want generate Alarms if temperature is out of good range.

In this tutorial we will configure ThingsBoard Rule Engine to:


We assume you have completed the following guides and reviewed the articles listed below:

Message flow

In this section, we explain the purpose of each node in this tutorial:

Configure Rule Chains

In this tutorial, we only modified Create & Clear Alarms rule chain, namely configured Alarm Details function in nodes that was described above in the section Message flow
Also, we renamed this Rule Chain to Create & Clear Alarms with details.

The following screenshots show how the above Rule Chains should look like:



Download the attached json file for the Create & Clear Alarms with details: rule chain. Create Node C as shown on the image above in the root rule chain to forward telemetry to the imported rule chain.

The following section shows you how to modify this rule chain, specifically: rule nodes A and B.

Modify Create & Clear Alarms with details:

Modify the required nodes

In this rule chain, you will modify 2 nodes as it will be explained in the following sections:

Node A: Create alarm

If published temperature is not in expected time range (script node returns True) we want to create an Alarm. We want to add current temperature into Alarm Details field. Also we want to increment count field in Alarm Details if alarm already exist, otherwise set count to 1.

For making it we will overwrite Details function:

Details function:

var details = {};
details.temperature = msg.temperature;

if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) {
    var prevDetails = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails);
    details.count = prevDetails.count + 1;
} else {
    details.count = 1;

return details;

Details function create required details object with initial parameters. Then, in if statement, we verify is it a new Alarm or Alarm already exist. If exist - take previous count field and increment it.


If new Alarm was created in Create Alarm node it is passed to other nodes via relation Created if they exist. If Alarm was updated - it is passed to other nodes via relation Updated if they exist.

Node B: Clear Alarm

If published temperature is in expected time range (script node returns False) we want to clear an existing Alarm. Also during clearing, we want to add latest temperature to the existing Alarm details.

For making it we will overwrite Details function:

Alarm Details function:

var details = {};
if (metadata.prevAlarmDetails) {
    details = JSON.parse(metadata.prevAlarmDetails);
details.clearedTemperature = msg.temperature;

return details;


If Clear Alarm node could not find existing Alarm, nothing is changed and original message is passed to other nodes via relation False if they exist. If Alarm do exist - it is cleared and passed to other nodes via relation Cleared.

Chain configuration is finished and we need to save it.

Configure Dashboard

Download the attached json file for the dashboard indicated in this tutorial and import it.

Also you can Create Dashboard from scratch and the following section show you how to do this:

Creating Dashboard

We will create Dashboard for all Thermostat devices and add Alarm widget on it. Create new Dashboard:


Press Edit dashboard and add alias that will be resolved to all devices with type Thermostat:


Add Alarm widget to the Dashboard (Add new widget -> Alarm widget bundle -> Alarms). Select configured alias entity alarm source. Also, add additional alarm fields.

And rename label of each field by press edit button on the field:


Post telemetry and verify

For posting device telemetry we will use Rest API (link). For this we will need to copy device access token from then device Thermostat Home.


*you need to replace $ACCESS_TOKEN with actual device token

Lets post temperature = 99. Alarm should be created:

curl -v -X POST -d '{"temperature":99}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"


Lets post temperature = 180. Alarm should be updated and count field incremented:

curl -v -X POST -d '{"temperature":180}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"


Lets post temperature = 30. Alarm should be cleared and cleared temperature should be shown:

curl -v -X POST -d '{"temperature":30}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"


Also, you can see how to:

Please refer links under the See Also section to see how to do this.

See Also

Next steps