
ThingsBoard API reference

Device connectivity and server-side APIs.

HTTP Device API Reference

Getting started

HTTP basics

HTTP is a general-purpose network protocol that can be used in IoT applications. You can find more information about HTTP here. HTTP protocol is TCP based and uses request-response model.

ThingsBoard server nodes act as an HTTP Server that supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Client libraries setup

You can find HTTP client libraries for different programming languages on the web. Examples in this article will be based on curl. In order to setup this tool, you can use instructions in our Hello World guide.

HTTP Authentication and error codes

We will use access token device credentials in this article and they will be referred to later as $ACCESS_TOKEN. The application needs to include $ACCESS_TOKEN as a path parameter in each HTTP request. Possible error codes and their reasons:

Key-value format

By default, ThingsBoard supports key-value content in JSON. Key is always a string, while value can be either string, boolean, double, long or JSON. Using custom binary format or some serialization framework is also possible. See protocol customization for more details. For example:

 "jsonKey": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}

Telemetry upload API

In order to publish telemetry data to ThingsBoard server node, send POST request to the following URL:


The simplest supported data formats are:

{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}


[{"key1":"value1"}, {"key2":"value2"}]

Please note that in this case, the server-side timestamp will be assigned to uploaded data!

In case your device is able to get the client-side timestamp, you can use following format:

{"ts":1451649600512, "values":{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}}

In the example above, we assume that “1451649600512” is a unix timestamp with milliseconds precision. For example, the value ‘1451649600512’ corresponds to ‘Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:00:00.512 GMT’

# Publish data as an object without timestamp (server-side timestamp will be used)
curl -v -X POST -d @telemetry-data-as-object.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"
# Publish data as an array of objects without timestamp (server-side timestamp will be used)
curl -v -X POST -d @telemetry-data-as-array.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"
# Publish data as an object with timestamp (server-side timestamp will be used)
curl -v -X POST -d @telemetry-data-with-ts.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/telemetry --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "stringKey": "value1",
  "booleanKey": true,
  "doubleKey": 42.0,
  "longKey": 73,
  "jsonKey": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}
[{"key1":"value1"}, {"key2":true}]
  "ts": 1451649600512,
  "values": {
    "stringKey": "value1",
    "booleanKey": true,
    "doubleKey": 42.0,
    "longKey": 73,
    "jsonKey": {
      "someNumber": 42,
      "someArray": [1, 2, 3],
      "someNestedObject": {
        "key": "value"

Attributes API

ThingsBoard attributes API allows devices to

Publish attribute update to the server

In order to publish client-side device attributes to ThingsBoard server node, send POST request to the following URL:

# Publish client-side attributes update
curl -v -X POST -d @new-attributes-values.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/attributes --header "Content-Type:application/json"
  "attribute1": "value1",
  "attribute2": true,
  "attribute3": 42.0,
  "attribute4": 73,
  "attribute5": {
    "someNumber": 42,
    "someArray": [1,2,3],
    "someNestedObject": {"key": "value"}
Request attribute values from the server

In order to request client-side or shared device attributes to ThingsBoard server node, send GET request to the following URL:

# Send HTTP attributes request
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/attributes?clientKeys=attribute1,attribute2&sharedKeys=shared1,shared2

Please note, the intersection of client-side and shared device attribute keys is a bad practice! However, it is still possible to have same keys for client, shared or even server-side attributes.

Subscribe to attribute updates from the server

In order to subscribe to shared device attribute changes, send GET request with optional “timeout” request parameter to the following URL:


Once shared attribute will be changed by one of the server-side components (REST API or Rule Chain) the client will receive the following update:

# Send subscribe attributes request with 20 seconds timeout
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/attributes/updates?timeout=20000


Server-side RPC

In order to subscribe to RPC commands from the server, send GET request with optional “timeout” request parameter to the following URL:


Once subscribed, a client may receive rpc request or a timeout message if there are no requests to a particular device. An example of RPC request body is shown below:

  "id": "1",
  "method": "setGpio",
  "params": {
    "pin": "23",
    "value": 1


and can reply to them using POST request to the following URL:


where $id is an integer request identifier.

# Send rpc request with 20 seconds timeout
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/rpc?timeout=20000
# Publish response to RPC request
curl -v -X POST -d @rpc-response.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/rpc/1 --header "Content-Type:application/json"

Client-side RPC

In order to send RPC commands to the server, send POST request to the following URL:


Both request and response body should be valid JSON documents. Theh content of the documents is specific to the rule node that will handle your request.

# Post client-side rpc request
curl -X POST -d @rpc-client-request.json http://localhost:8080/api/v1/$ACCESS_TOKEN/rpc --header "Content-Type:application/json"
{"method": "getTime", "params":{}}
{"time":"2016 11 21 12:54:44.287"}

Claiming devices

Please see the corresponding article to get more information about the Claiming devices feature.

In order to initiate claiming device, send POST request to the following URL:


The supported data format is:

{"secretKey":"value", "durationMs":60000}

Please note that the above fields are optional. In case the secretKey is not specified, the empty string as a default value is used. In case the durationMs is not specified, the system parameter device.claim.duration is used (in the file /etc/thingsboard/conf/thingsboard.yml).

Protocol customization

HTTP transport can be fully customized for specific use-case by changing the corresponding module.

Next steps